To obtain membership at the Filling Station Encounter Center here are some general steps: 

  1. Attend Gatherings Regularly:  Start attending gatherings at the Filling Station Encounter Center (FSEC) regularly to familiarize yourself with the vision, beliefs and practices. 

  2. Engage in Small Groups or Ministries: Participate in small groups, classes, or ministries being offered. This allows you to connect with other members and deepen your involvement at the FSEC.

  3. Meet with Leaders: Arrange to meet with the FSEC leaders, such as pastors or elders, to express your interest in becoming a member. They can provide you with more information about the membership process and answer any questions you may have.

  4. Complete Membership Classes: We offer membership classes or courses that cover the beliefs, history, and expectations for members. Attend these classes to learn more about the vision and what it means to be a member.

  5. Make a Commitment: Membership often involves making a commitment to support financially, spiritually, and through service. Be prepared to commit to the FSEC mission.

  6. Complete Membership Requirements: Fulfill any requirements set by the FSEC for membership, such as attending a certain number of classes or demonstrating a commitment to our vision.

  7. Attend a Membership Gathering: Once you've completed the necessary steps, you may be formally welcomed as a member of the FSEC during a membership gathering.
  8. Stay Involved and Connected: After becoming a member, continue to stay involved in the life of the FSEC by attending gatherings, participating in activities, and building relationships with other members.

  9. Seek Spiritual Growth: Use your membership as an opportunity for spiritual growth and deepening your relationship with God. Take advantage of the resources and support offered by the FSEC to help you grow in your faith.

  10. Contribute to the Filling Station: As a member of the FSEC, look for ways to contribute to the community and support the mission through your time, talents, and resources.